Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Louie and
I'm a Visual and UI/UX Designer in San Francisco.

Trip Pack

A prototype mobile application for sharing vacations

A Social Media Vacation Application that you Share

Trip Packs concept is to allow its users to share their vacation details with friends and followers. This allows the secondary user to copy the vacation in great detail. How the main user uses and how detailed they are, gives a better description of their vacation.

This project had a main focus on creating a working prototype for mobile applications. Built mainly on Javascript, all front facing UI, was created using embeds, user clicks and the data was provided with a set JSON file.

View Trip Pack live

username: user0

password: pass

The brand

Another quick iterative exploration for what mobile application I would be building. TripPack is to share your vacation experience with those around you.


Since a backpack is closely associated with vacationing and exploring, it was fitting that the logo should encompass this idea. A simple backpack set against a dark background gave the backpack an almost space shape connection. The star embellishments also complimented this idea.


Keeping the theme dark and keeping to a space theme to backup our mark, we went with dark tones with highlighted colors.

User flows

Since the application was to share your location and provide a pin drop with details, the main flow was to add a pin.

1. Enter homepage

2. Click to add a location

3. Enter data

4. Return to map view

Secondary flow

Adding any type of data for the user should be editable after the initial submission. The user should always have this ability while working on an app that tracks their movement.

1. Enter homepage

2. Go to list view

3. Edit listing

4. Submit with new data

Dynamic content

The main content of each location needed to support the purpose of the app and that was to support the locations of the vacation. A number of details needed to be added and editable as the vacation progressed.

Location details



This is a collective of all the pages the mobile application has. All built with within a single page mark up and with javascript appending and dynamic content.

Homepage, map location detail, profile, edit profile

List view, map quick look, Sign in

In conclusion

This application was a prototype built around a heavy use of javascript and core functions that covered an array of operations. I took a lot from this whole experience and learned a great deal of JS fundamentals.

What I would change

Definitely exploring more layout options for the map view and possibly simplifying the list view. The option to toggle between map and list needs to be more apparent though. More options in the ui discovery should have been taken to ensure a clear CTA was developed.

Last words

Great learning experience in creating a working mobile application. Built with a language that I have little experience in developing so I took this in small strides to complete the project.